Dear Lord, Creator of the Universe and Author of all that is good, we gather today, in your Name.

We gather to honor the men and women of this country who have sacrificed much for our nation and her people.

We gather to recognize those who represent the best of us.

We gather to celebrate those men and women of valor who have earned the title United States Marine.

Lord, you reveal yourself to us as a roaring lion, a mighty warrior, and a strong tower.

You also reveal yourself to us as peace maker, and one who not only fights for justice but stands against injustice.

You teach us by word and example to love our neighbor and to continually strive to make right the wrongs of this world.

You have taught us that one of the greatest virtues is the willingness to lay down our lives for our fellow man.

For 239 years, you have shaped the fighting men and women of this country with these and many other virtues.

You have allowed them to be men and women of honor and valor.

You have inspired them not to seek the spoils of war, but instead sacrifice much for justice, peace, and for the betterment and protection of us all.

Lord, bless and protect the people of this great country.

Lord, bless and illumine the President of the United States, and all in governance.

Lord, bless and strengthen the armed forces of this nation and her allies.

Lord, bless and prosper the families of our marines, sailors, soldiers, airmen, and coast guardsmen because they also bear a burden and sacrifice much for all of us.

Lord, especially on this day, as we gather to celebrate the 239th birthday of the United States Marine Corps, we ask you to bring down a great and mighty blessing on the United States Marine.

In your name we pray, Amen.

Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.
Philippians 2:3