By: Jocob Ogles, Florida Politics

The Joe Biden-Kamala Harris campaign will flood Spanish-language airwaves with a new set of ads.

The ticket on Tuesday unrolled Spanish and bilingual ads reaching for Hispanic and Latino votes. Several will play in Florida markets with some featuring testimonials from local leaders.

Abandonados” (“Abandoned”), for example, will run in Florida and Pennsylvania and share the story of José Rodriguez, a leader of Central Florida’s Puerto Rican community. The Oviedo priest speaks in the Spanish ad about how President Donald Trump abandoned the U.S. territory after Hurricane Maria struck the island.

“The situation in Puerto Rico has not improved,” he says in Spanish. “The President abandoned Puerto Ricans.”

Another ad, “Son Muy Similares” (“They Are Very Similar”), will air on Spanish-language television in Miami, Fort Myers and West Palm Beach markets. It tells the story of a woman identified only as Cecilia, a Venezuelan refugee who fled the country’s socialist regime. In the ad, she compared Trump to the criminal regime her family fled.

“Socialism, for me as a Venezuelan, was one of the keys that destroyed my country,” she says in Spanish. “It may sound crazy to compare Donald Trump to Nicolás Maduro, but the reality is that their authoritarianism, their violation of freedom of expression and their fear that someone else will oppose them every day… people have to understand what is happening in the United States.

By erick