Azalea Park churches reflect 50 years of change
Like a neighborhood of restaurants, the churches of Azalea Park all serve the same area, but offer different styles of worship. Each is trying to keep the regulars coming back…
Community | Justice | Faith | Prophetic Witness
Like a neighborhood of restaurants, the churches of Azalea Park all serve the same area, but offer different styles of worship. Each is trying to keep the regulars coming back…
Se espera que el presidente Donald Trump anuncie prontamente si eliminará el programa de DACA (FREDERIC J. BROWN, AFP) Reina la incertidumbre entre los Dreamers y beneficiarios del Programa de…
Líderes comunitarios luchan por mejor atención e igualdad en la educación de hispanoparlantes en la Florida Central (Ingrid Cotto) Un nuevo ciclo escolar presenta nuevas oportunidades para padres y estudiantes…
The Rev. Nancy Frausto, a “Dreamer” and deputy from the Diocese of Los Angeles, testifies July 7 at the joint hearing on immigration resolutions. Photo: David Paulsen/Episcopal News Service Few… Reyna Chavez's teachers turned to her daily during the past year, asking her to help relay basic instructions to her classmates because she's fluent in English and Spanish. "I've…
"Mi familia no causó la crisis, pero gente como ellos está pagando el precio", dijo uno de los manifestantes, quienes catalogaron de 'esclavitud económica' la situación en Puerto Rico.…
Los puertorriqueños del centro de Florida exigieron hoy el centro de Florida, al gobernador Ricardo Rosselló, de visita en Washington, que rechace el plan para atajar la crisis económica y…
Integrantes de Vamos4PR durante el evento en Kissimmee. (Vamos4PR) Los puertorriqueños del centro de la Florida marcharon en Orlando para exigir al gobierno de Puerto Rico que rechace el plan…
On Thursday evening, dozens of students gathered in front of the Reflection Pond at UCF for a candlelight vigil to honor the lives of those lost in recent terrorist attacks… As students gather at the UCF Reflecting Pond, plastic tealight candles are placed atop the green Pakistan flag, complementing its white crescent moon and five-pointed star. The Pakistani Student…